Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) has conducted the first ever survey on the labour demand in the country in 2017. The importance of this survey is multi-faceted. The labour market is influenced by the new technological developments and therefore the skills of the employees demanded by the employers changed from time to time. In order to access the labour demand and its characteristics the Department of Census and Statistics conducted an enterprise survey with the support of International Labour Organization.
A sample of 3,500 establishments / enterprises covering the entire country was selected using the sampling frame prepared at the listing stage of the Economic Census conducted in 2013. Target population of the survey was establishments / enterprises in the private sector consisting more than 3 persons engaged. Public sector was not covered as most of their particulars could be compiled using administrative data.
This survey reveals the quality and quantity of the labour currently engaged in the private sector and the labour demand of this sector by skills needed for job categories.